Skip storage with Eternit's outdoor furniture that withstands Canadian winters
As sad as it is to begin thinking about moving indoors after enjoying your outdoor furniture all summer. One positive is being able to skip out on the winterizing process and allowing your furniture to be left outside, uncovered, 365 days a year.
This hassle-free option is possible with Eternit, a line of hand-crafted outdoor furnishings that score big on both durability and style. Their products are built (and tested) for the harshest conditions, so you can rest easy leaving them outdoors year round. A bonus: your garden and patio look nicer when your outdoor furniture is left outside – much better than looking at an empty patio during the winter.
Find out the Lucky Four Winners of the stylish Eternit Planters!
Four lucky Ontarians are now the proud owners of stylish Swiss Pearl by Eternit Planters after their ballots were chosen as part of Landmark by Crozier's Eternit Planter Draw at the recent Canada Blooms Show.
The Landmark by Crozier Team would like to thank the countless number of people who took the time to fill out a ballot and place it in the Eternit Birdie (Shown Above) throughout the course of this year’s national show, held March 13th- 22nd.
Dubbed the "single most plant-friendly planter on the market" due to its all-natural materials (concrete, limestone, cotton fibre, air & water), the Swiss Pearl by EternitPlanters featured on display in and around the Canada Blooms Loungewere the Kyoto, Osaka Rectangle, Geisha and the Twista Cube (Seen Below).
Enter our Draw to Win 1 of 4 Stylish Eternit Planters- Winners chosen this Sunday!
There’s still time to cast your ballot to WIN 1 of 4 Eternit Planters simply by visiting the featured display at Canada Blooms, Canada’s largest garden and flower show. You can find our ballot box (an Eternit Birdie) and ballots on the outside corner of the Canada Blooms Lounge inside Toronto's Direct Energy Centre (ballot station pictured above).
We will be pulling the names of the four lucky winners on the final day of the show, Sunday March 22nd.
Eternit products top choice for year-round durability and style
As winter weather sets in, one common question is what to do with the outdoor furniture? Pack it up into storage or brave the cold snap and hope it retains its current condition? While most patio furniture is designed with materials that can withstand multiple climates, the real question is, for how long?
Avoid the thought of having to stare at a bare outdoor space by choosing the hassle-free option with Eternit, a line of hand-crafted outdoor furnishings that score big on both durability and style. The products are built (and tested) for the harshest conditions, so you can rest easy leaving them outdoors year round.